The original term Assessment means ‘Evaluation’. Yet when we use the term Assessment in the Netherlands, we refer to the assessment or evaluation of personal skills and competences. Usually in relation to personnel selection.
Read more about this and other questions on our Assessment page.
Assessment tests are increasingly done online. A web application provides a candidate with an access code to various tests. The candidate completes the tests in the online environment.
Read more about online assessments
This question is as hard to answer as “How much does a car cost?” It depends on the car! First of all you should determine whether you would like to purchase the assessments or prefer to start an assessment centre. Then it is important how an assessment is organised and who will perform the assessment. Read more about the underlying factors in the cost of Assessments?
When you practise an Assessment you focus on the intelligence tests. The chances of getting the exact same test in a real assessment are slim. Therefore you should focus on how to handle a test.
Read more about how to practise an Assessment?
Which tests are used in an assessment? The phrasing of an assessment may differ but the cont usually consists of a combination of these assessment tests: Personality, Intelligence tests and role-plays. Read more about Assessment Tests
Candidates do not only have obligations, they also have rights. There are two relevant codes to determine a candidate’s rights in an assessment: the NIP professional code of conduct and the NVP job application code. Read more about a candidates rights in an assessment
This ‘Make or buy decision’ is a fairly simple one. Check the amount of assessments your company has done each trimester in the last three years. When you do over 30 Assessments per trimester, you might consider doing the Assessments yourself. Read more about the choice for or against outsourcing.
The meta research done by Schmidt and Hunter (1998) has laid the scientific base for the assessment centre. What stands out in their research is the added value of Intelligence tests (gma), professional expertise, the structured interview and the integrity tests to the selection process. Read more about the scientific background of assessments.